In recognition of his tremendous contributions to the history of art, the Cultural Heritage Foundation of Iran awarded The Farshchian Museum to the public in 2001 to preserve the artist’s legacy and inspire future generations. While Farshchian's masterpieces have been exhibited by museums and galleries worldwide, the museum at Sa'd Abaad Palace is the first fine arts institution solely devoted to his work.
Nestled in the central gardens of Sa'dabad Palace in Tehran and open 6 days per week to the public, The Farshchian Museum is comprised of several galleries exhibiting over 54 early and contemporary original works by the artist. Various palaces dating back to late Qajar and Pahlavi dynasties, restored and transformed into modern day museums, are interspersed throughout the surrounding lush landscape.
The Museum provides facilities and programs to assist the education and development of artists. Art students visit daily to study the original works from their textbooks, while tourists from around the world can enjoy the Master’s works firsthand.